Find the latest information on the opening and closing markets by navigating between our morning and afternoon commentary tabs. These reports are brought to you by our Merchandisers and Farm Marketing Specialists. If you have any questions about the reports please contact your representative:
Doug Cropp:
Office: (217)599-5068
Ed Hannagan:
Office: (217)599-5017 Cell: (217)621-7126
Darrin Wax:
Office: (217)599-0302 Cell: (217)621-0270
Lane Avenatti:
Office: (217)733-2182 Cell: (217)480-5480
Kurt Simmons:
Office: (217)897-1111 Cell: (217)714-2191
Dalton Haberman
Office: (309)928-2185 Cell: (309)846-1349